Perfect location for “Yoga & Me Time” retreats in Uganda
July 21, 2019
Things to do in and around Emburara Farm Lodge
August 13, 2019
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Limited mobility friendly hotel in Uganda

Emburara Farm Lodge​ is committed to providing equal access & opportunity for individuals with limited mobility to ensure a seamless experience.

We are wheelchair accessible with open-plan spaces and corridors are extra wide. Our overall goal is to improve usability throughout the grounds for all guests. Most cottages are on a ground level with ramps leading into the building and rooms. The same goes for accessing our reception, restaurant, and other locations in the facility like the walkways along the gardens and our conference rooms.

All of our cottages have in-room phones, small refrigerators, and electric kettles for your convenience.
+256 772 509 600 or +256 776 210 872 (Both on WhatsApp)


β€œIf any guest has any special requests, needs or requirements relating to disabilities or special dietary requirements, the agent or guest must advise us at the time of confirmation of reservation. Emburara Farm Lodge will use its reasonable endeavors to accommodate all special requests.

Find us along Ibanda Road in Mbarara, approximately one and a half kilometers from the Nyakyisharara airstrip. You turn off on your left and the one km stretch from the road sign leads you straight to the lodge.
Here is the link to Google Maps:Β

#EmburaraFarmLodge #lifeonthefarm #DisabilityΒ #wheelchair